1. Metoposcopy was a technique developed by Isaac Luria (1534–1572) that diagnosed the ‘status of the soul’ through the interpretation of hebraic letters that appeared mostly on the forehead. It derived from the belief that ‘God brought all of creation into existence by means of thirty-two wondrous paths of wisdom. These thirty-two paths comprise the ten fundamental numbers, and the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet.’ Different letters appear on the forehead of those who have performed certain commandments and those who have not. The size and brightness also determined the reading. Whilst they could appear on other parts of the body—eyes, fingernails, even hair—the forehead had a particular correspondence to the zodiac. One of Luria’s disciples, Hayyim Vital (1543–1620), preserved several anecdotes metoposcopy in action. Looking at Vital’s forehead, Luria identified the letters
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1. Metoposcopy was a technique developed by Isaac Luria (1534–1572) that diagnosed the ‘status of the soul’ through the interpretation of hebraic letters that appeared mostly on the forehead. It derived from the belief that ‘God brought all of creation into existence by means of thirty-two wondrous paths of wisdom. These thirty-two paths comprise the ten fundamental numbers, and the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet.’ Different letters appear on the forehead of those who have performed certain commandments and those who have not. The size and brightness also determined the reading. Whilst they could appear on other parts of the body—eyes, fingernails, even hair—the forehead had a particular correspondence to the zodiac. One of Luria’s disciples, Hayyim Vital (1543–1620), preserved several anecdotes metoposcopy in action. Looking at Vital’s forehead, Luria identified the letters